Innovation ecosystems: Startups, Incubators and Venture Capital in Europe
Brussels, Belgium, 15 December 2015 – EBN participated last week in the 7th European Innovation Summit, that took place in Brussels from 7th to 10th December. David Tee, Head of Membership at EBN, moderated a panel on the subject of “Innovation ecosystems: Startups, Incubators and Venture Capital in Europe” in a session hosted by MEP Cora Van Nieuwenhuizen, with expert contributions from the European Commission, ESA, the European Institute of Technology and more. Several other EBN Members took part in the Summit. |
The panel gathered a number of European stakeholders in the field of innovation policy, from both private and public entities, at the European level to the city level. The session started with a detailed presentation from Prof. Erik Vermeulen of Tilburg University followed by Isidro Laso Ballesteros, Head of Startup Europe Sector at the European Commission, Sylvie Bove, CEO of EIT Health, Frank Salzgeber, Head of Tech Transfer at ESA and EBN Board Member, and Gabriele Tatzberger, Head of Startup Services at the Vienna Business Agency. The session elaborated on the next steps towards a truly sustainable European innovation ecosystem, as well as giving options for the necessary framework conditions that governments and policy makers must develop to make it a reality. Following the panel, David Tee stated: “It is clear from the broad agreement in the panel that European innovation ecosystems must work more closely together in order to compete as a large single player. London, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam have clear individual strengths, but together they provide a world-beating environment for startups. Encouraging pan-European actions will increase the likelihood of successful, high-growth, high-employment businesses.” EBN will continue promoting the role of EU|BICs as a key tool to deliver a true ‘European innovation eco-system’. In a workshop organised by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission, on the 26th January 2016 in Brussels, EBN and several members (BIC Euronova, WestBIC, JIC and Forum Virium) will showcase their sustainable model of innovative business support, in a session entitled “Business Creation and Growth”. |
Jorg Kop nieuwe Managing Director van UtrechtInc
Per 1 januari 2016 geeft Jorg Kop – co-founder van graduate SnappCar – leiding aan startup incubator UtrechtInc.
Jorg Kop heeft door de jaren heen in vooral ondernemende Marketing-, Sales- en Algemeen Management rollen gewerkt bij verschillende bedrijven. Van startup tot beursgenoteerd. Met veel enthousiasme gaat hij nu op het Utrecht Science Park aan de slag bij UtrechtInc.
Roel Raatgever, tot 1 januari 2016 directeur van UtrechtInc, over Jorg Kop: “Ik ben erg blij met de keuze voor Jorg als nieuwe directeur. Jorg heeft zowel startup als corporate ervaring. Juist deze combinatie is nodig voor de volgende groeifase van UtrechtInc. Ik ga UtrechtInc vol vertrouwen overdragen.”
Wil je meer weten over Jorg Kop? Hieronder kun je vast met hem kennismaken.
- Waarom jouw voorliefde voor startups?
Het gevestigde bedrijfsleven realiseert zich nog te weinig dat de ‘disrupt or be disrupted‘ discussie hoog op de agenda moet. Startups maken slim gebruik van deze stilte door te rebelleren met innovatieve ideeën en business modellen. De explosie van positieve energie die nodig is om vanuit het niets een potentiële groeimotor van de economie neer te zetten werkt aanstekelijk. Daar zit vooruitgang en daar wil ik bij zijn.
- Waarom UtrechtInc?
UtrechtInc behoort tot de ‘leading business incubators’ van Europa. De toegevoegde waarde van UtrechtInc heb ik zelf in de praktijk goed kunnen ondervinden. Zo was ik in 2011 en 2012 met startup SnappCar onderdeel van de community. Ook later als mentor groeide mijn enthousiasme. Ik voel mij thuis in deze innovatieve omgeving waar van alles gebeurt en kijk ernaar uit UtrechtInc naar een volgend hoofdstuk van groei te brengen.
- Wat deed je tot aan 1 december 2015?
Door de jaren heen heb ik bedrijven laten groeien, gekocht, verkocht, opgestart, samengevoegd, gereorganiseerd en gesloten. De laatste 3 jaren ben ik vooral bezig geweest met het winstgevend maken van een dochterbedrijf van een Zweeds beursgenoteerde winkelinrichtingbouwer. En heb ik als mentor verschillende startups geadviseerd. Ik merkte dat de startup wereld mij als een rode draad bleef aantrekken en wist dat daar nu mijn volgende stap zou liggen.
- Waar zie jij kansen?
De kansen liggen vooral in het creëren van duidelijkheid. Bijvoorbeeld door ons nog meer te focussen op startups van ondernemers en wetenschappers binnen de sectoren E-Health, E-Learning en E-Climate. Ook in de praktijk staat UtrechtInc aan de vooravond van mooie ontwikkelingen. Denk hierbij allereerst aan het kwalitatief verder vormgeven van de acceleratorprogramma’s voor onze startups. We willen hen zo goed mogelijk ondersteunen naar een ‘scale fast or fail’ punt. Andere voorbeelden zijn het verder inbedden van de vruchtbare voedingsbodem van ideeën om ons heen, de geplande opening van de ‘UtrechtInc Garage’ (het sustainability programma) in de nieuwe vleugel, de hefboomwerking met startup Delta en natuurlijk de voortzetting van de constructieve bruggenbouw tussen alle betrokken stakeholders. Eigenlijk liggen er volop kansen voor UtrechtInc. We grijpen de belangrijkste aan om via ondernemerschap een positieve impact te maken op de samenleving.
- Wat weet bijna niemand over jou?
Je hebt mensen die heel goed kunnen gamen. Anderzijds bestaan er ook gamers die super onhandig zijn. Volgens mijn kinderen behoor ik overduidelijk tot de laatste categorie. En dat is blijkbaar niet cool.
Incubator Opens the Door to The Netherlands for Refugees
– Setting up a business leads to a residence permit faster.
The foundation ‘Incubators for Immigrants‘ wants to help refugees to build a new economic and independent existence in the Netherlands. The foundation, a true Incubator, offers the refugees knowledge, support and assistance with the set-up of their own private Dutch company. “In this way, the chances of a quick residence permit is more likely to happen, these people will have a goal which they can focus on and they will deliver an economic contribution to the Dutch society,” Dennis Vermeulen said – initiator and co-founder of the foundation.
Vermeulen finds the hopelessness of the flood of refugees troubling. The image that the refugees are a burden to our society, is increasing fast. Vermeulen: “The word refugee is starting to have a negative connotation. We think of it as a group, but they are all people and individuals with different backgrounds and capacities. What we want to do, is to give the entrepreneurs in this group a chance to give their lives a meaningful existence in the Netherlands.”
As the CEO of INCO Business Group, Vermeulen assists Dutch entrepreneurs who go abroad for tax reasons daily, but he (especially) assists foreign companies who wish to establish a business in the Netherlands. The idea to help the refugees came up through this example. The Dutch law provides enough possibilities for foreign start-ups to settle down in the Netherlands. The foundation eliminates the bureaucracy that’s involved in this process. This will allow the refugee to focus on his business, while the Foundation takes care of most formalities, including the application of the required temporary residence permit. “This makes this foundation an incubator. Once the fundamental is set, the enterprising refugee has to stand on his own feet,” Vermeulen stated.
Vermeulen doesn’t take part in the board, because the board must be able to operate independently. He found Arthur van de Graaf, Sonja van Alphen and Rikko Voorberg as volunteers for the board. With this, the foundation has a solid experience to start with. Van de Graaf was the former CEO of SEEDS/ABN-Amro, Van Alphen earned her spurs in the field of marketing communications at several large companies and Voorberg was, among other things, the founder of the Vluchtkerk.
To give the foundation a good start, Vermeulen chips in and gives the foundation a chance to begin. For each tax refugee Vermeulen helps to start a company abroad, Vermeulen’s company donates the amount of money that the foundation needs to help a political refugee in the Netherlands.
Have a look at or read the frequently asked questions.
‘Ideas from Europe’ is de Europese zoektocht naar potentieel succesvolle innovatieve ondernemingen in samenwerking met overheden, private partners en TEDx-communities uit de 28 EU-lidstaten. Het initiatief van TEDxBinnenhof heeft als doel te laten zien dat de toekomst van Europa in handen ligt van innovatieve ondernemers. Door het delen van hun ideeën zullen ze o.a. het ondernemerschap binnen Europa aanmoedigen. Na de voorrondes heeft de internationale jury de 10 meest inspirerende bedrijven uit Europa geselecteerd voor de finale op 31 maart 2016 in de Ridderzaal in Den Haag. Jos Joore van MIMETAS is geselecteerd om Nederland te vertegenwoordigen.
Meer informatie over ‘Ideas from Europe’
Jos Joore van MIMETAS was op woensdag 28 oktober te zien bij RTLZ programma ‘Toekomstmakers’, een informatief programma gericht op leiderschap, innovatie, inspirerende ondernemers en slimme wetenschappers. Jos legt uit waarom de ‘Organs-on-a-chip’ proefdieren overbodig maakt.
NettCity, Blue Battery and Leavo win Get In The Ring Final in Rotterdam
Last Thursday over 1000 visitors were part of the biggest Get in the Ring Dutch National Final yet! We are incredibly proud that the 3 winners Blue Battery, Laevo and NettCity will represent the Netherlands during the Regional Finals in London early 2016. They are now one step closer to the Global Final in Medellin, Colombia on March 15, 2016.
We are organizing a trade mission to Medellin, Colombia. Contact us if you are interested in joining!
Over 250 startups experienced a day full of talent meetings, a meetup with 100+ investors, workshops and speed dates with 30 corporates. We are proud to announce that from these speed dates over 230 follow up connections have been made so far between startup founders and innovation directors of Dutch multinationals. Check out the photos from the event HERE!
The winners are looking for your support!
Get in the Ring is all about creating Fans. We would like to use this platform to showcase a challenge from each of the three winners for which they could use your support as a fan!
Blue Battery is looking for an introduction to innovation managers of utility companies, such as water purification, electricity or grid operation, in order to do a first small scale pilot project with their 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m battery that runs on water and table salt.
Laevo is looking for an introduction to C-level managers of companies which require personnel to do heavy lifting, as well as companies who have health-and-safety high on the agenda. For example logistic operators like Amazon, Doc-data and Albert Heijn.
NettCity is looking to collaborate with 10 municipalities to do a first rollout of their machines. They are therefore looking for introductions within large-to-medium sized municipalities with at least 3000 tonnes of wood (forests, parks, etc). Examples are Arnhem, Amsterdam and Groningen.
If you think you can support our winners with these challenges or be their newest customer, investor, partner or employee, please contact us and we’ll connect you with the startup.
Last but not least: save the date, November 17, 2016, for next year’s edition of the Dutch National Final of Get in the Ring. Will you be joining us again? Leave your contact details here and we will be sure to keep you updated on applications, tickets and selection rounds
Stevige discussie Corporate Incubation tijdens DIA meetup @Border_Sessions
Afgelopen donderdag 12/11/2015 organiseerde DIA tijdens technologiefestival BorderSession in Den Haag een discussie sessie met de prikkelende titel ‘Startup Anything; Start, Scale or Hype?’ met als focus de groeiende belangstelling van corporates voor startups.
Met zo’n 50 deelnemende bezoekers – variërend van startende ondernemer, overheden, incubators, accelerators en corporates – was er een heel ecosysteem om met de inbrengers in discussie te gaan.
Na een korte introductie door Pim de Bokx (voorzitter DIA) kwamen de volgende sprekers aan bod:
- Lija van Vliet (YES!Delft) over Metropolitan Startup Lab en PortXL
- Samir Saberi (StartupJuncture, Node1 en StartupDelta) over Why corporates need to work with Startups
- Carlijn Tempelaars (Strategiemakers) over Mutual beneficial Partnerships between Startups and Corporates
Na de presentaties is de discussie aangewakkerd n.a.v. de stelling “Corporates kunnen beter samenwerken met incubators als zij effectief startups willen betrekken bij hun innovatiebeleid”.
DARE seminar: ‘Knowledge triangle between Education, Research and Entrepreneurship’
Suppose that we needed to plea for more funding for entrepreneurship education, how would we pitch the (assumed) benefits of these endeavours for economic prosperity? In other words, what are the effects of our efforts to promote entrepreneurship through education programs? Key questions that were addressed during the 8th DARE research seminar in Utrecht, co-organized with Utrecht School of Economics and ECSB. Our main conclusion after a day of insightful research and fruitful discussions: we are gaining insights, but there is still much that we do not know and it is necessary to collaborate in entrepreneurship research and share information.
To put the efforts of entrepreneurship education and a society’s entrepreneurial endeavours in a relevant context, Erik Stam (Utrecht University) introduced the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem approach. The interaction between education, research and entrepreneurship also known as the ‘knowledge triangle’, can help tackle jointly economic an social challenges. It was stressed that in order to have a productive knowledge triangle, that contributes to a a society’s prosperity, we need to produce valuable knowledge, carried by innovations. Hence, it is important to know that the knowledge triangle will only be productive if it is embedded in a well functioning entrepreneurial ecosystem. Future challenges set out for entrepreneurship researchers is to unravel the effects of key elements in the ecosystems (e.g. culture, institutions, finance, leadership, networks) on the generation of entrepreneurial activity (e.g. student entrepreneurs, spin-offs, entrepreneurial employee activity).
One important insight of the day was that (self-)awareness of entrepreneurship as a viable career option could be affected by entrepreneurship education. An international research endeavor on student’s entrepreneurial intentions, specifically addresses this relationship as explained by Anne van Ewijk (Abu Dhabi University). So far, 41 universities have been approached of which 17 assured their participation. There is still opportunity to participate in the project (click here for more information). Also, research by Matthijs Hammer (Delft University of Technology/Saxion University of Applied Sciences) showed that the didactic design of some entrepreneurship education programs in the Netherlands score higher on the awareness phase of the entrepreneurial opportunity and development process, while other programs are more oriented towards venture creation. In contrast, two Finnish programs assessed in the study were more balanced considering their orientation on entrepreneurial phases.
In general, an individual educational attainment is an important breeding ground for entrepreneurial activity. It can positively affect the propensity to become an ambitious entrepreneur, not only in an independent position but also as an entrepreneurial employee (intrapreneurs). Werner Liebregts (Utrecht University) demonstrated how this effect is even stronger for the latter category, especially in countries with a high uncertainty avoidant population. Extending these outcomes, Sharon Dolmans (Eindhoven University of Technology) showed a positive impact of entrepreneurship educational programs (Jong Ondernemen) on employment activities and employability. By means of a field experiment with control group design, the study found support of: a higher likelihood of employment, a shorter time to the first job, a higher likelihood of managing positions, and more time spent on leading new initiatives.
Finally, an important new insight that the seminar yielded was presented by André van Stel (Kozminski University). He stressed that family firm succession is becoming more and more problematic as the intentions of students to take over their parents’ business are low (approximately 5% across the world). Better employment options, starting an own business and negative experiences in the family firm may interfere. Taking that into account it was found that this succession interest can be raised by: involvement of children in their parents’ business operations during their university studies, and with dedicated university programs promoting the interest of current students in their parents’ business operations.
Hier moet je bij zijn: How To Get There summit 2015
Onder de patronage van StartupDelta organiseren ECE en Platform Digital Manufacturing dit super event waarbij 1.000 deelnemers verwacht worden. De summit beoogd de samenwerking tussen corporate Nederland, startups en innovatie hubs te bevorderen. Parallel aan het summit programma strijden 250 startups om de 6 plaatsen die beschikbaar zijn in de nationale Get in The Ring finale om 17:30.
De stuwende kracht achter de summit en de ontwikkelaar van het concept is het Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE). ECE is het expertisecentrum op ondernemerschap van de Erasmus Universiteit en is initiatief van Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) en Erasmus School of Economics. In de Rotterdam Science Tower bevinden zich meer dan 50 snelgroeiende startups. Het ECE verzorgt programma’s rondom startup, innovatie en corporate entrepreneurship aan ruim 1.000 bedrijven per jaar.
SPREKERS | Justin Jansen, Kees de Jong, Jan Kees de Jager, Jan Peter Balkenende, Neelie Kroes, Ben Verwaayen, Henk Kamp, Jeremy Rifkin, Pauline van de Meer Mohr
SESSIES| Open Innovatie, Ondernemende medewerkers, Adobe Kickbox, Create Investors as a fan, Corporate-Startup dating, Lean Startup, Intern succesvol innoveren, Developing entrepreneurial leaders, Agile development and more
PRIJZEN| Most Entrepreneurial Firm, Nationale Kampioen ‘Get in the Ring’
25% KORTING: DIA TICKETS (max. 25 stuks) € 299 i.p.v. € 399
Enjoy your lunch between all those sessions #bsf15
Day one lunchEnjoy your lunch between all those sessions #bsf15 Tag yourself!
Posted by Border Sessions on woensdag 11 november 2015
Technology Festival BorderSessions The Hague in full swing! Did n’t have time today? Join us tomorrow for sessions on Corporates, Incubators and Start-ups…
Trainingen voor incubator professionals in 2016 @EUBIC
The EBN Team is launching a customised Training programme for next twelve months! * Are you new to the European Projects world? Join us in our intensive introductory training in December. * Have you been recently employed in a EU|BIC? And need to learn more about the EUBIC model? Have a look at our training in January. |
EU Project Essentials Training |
EU Project Essentials Training – Brussels 9-10 December |
On the 9-10 December we are launching the EU Project Essentials training that will provide you with an overview of some of the most relevant EU funding programmes for EUBICs and their client companies with a particular focus on Horizon 2020. It will take place in the EBN Networking Centre in Brussels.Visit the official website for more information |
Target audience:
This training will be of benefit to EBN members who are both new to EU programmes and those who have experience as a partner but want to learn more about efficient financial management or perhaps take the next step up to project coordination. The training is also open to non EBN Members wishing to receive an intensive introduction into the world of European projects. |
Trainers: |
Accommodation: |
We are able to provide you reduced hotel rates for the training through our official housing partner, the Brussels Booking Desk. Book through the simple-to-use reservation website or with helpful and friendly booking agents.
1 night single : 93€ Reminder: Official Hotel Event Rates has been extended till Tuesday, November 17th, 2015. |
EU|BIC Essentials Training |
EU|BIC Essentials Training – Brussels 27-28 January 2016
Registration open! Places limited |
The third EU|BIC Essentials Training will take place during the beginning of 2016 and it will provide an in-depth understanding of EUBICs: what they are, what they represent, how they should be structured and what kind of services they should be delivering to entrepreneurs. Each segment of the incubation service value chain will be looked at in detail, along with dynamic testimonials from some of the network’s best practices examples. |
Have a look at the full training programme 2016For more information please contact: Clarelisa Camilleri ( tel:+32 2 761 10 94 or |
Qredits en de HU tekenen langjarige samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Op 9 november hebben Elwin Groenevelt (algemeen directeur Qredits) en Lex van Teeffelen (lector Financieel & Economische Financiering van de Hogeschool Utrecht) een samenwerkingsovereenkomst getekend.
Effecten van Microfinanciering in Nederland
De samenwerking omvat een langjarige studie waarbij diverse effecten van Microfinanciering in Nederland worden onderzocht. De HU zet onderzoeker en beoogd promovendus Alija Ibrahimovics in én Qredits levert een schat aan data én additionele financiering voor het onderzoek. “Qredits wil de economische en maatschappelijke effecten van haar dienstverlening aan ondernemers in Nederland meten. We zochten hiervoor een partner en de HU heeft al ruime ervaring met onderzoek naar ondernemerschap, financieringen en de impact van microfinancieringen”, aldus Elwin Groenevelt.
Blij met deze kans
Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland is in 2009 gestart en heeft zich de afgelopen jaren ontwikkeld tot de grootste alternatieve kredietverstrekker van Nederland met bijna 7.000 verstrekte kredieten aan ondernemers. De organisatie heeft 55 medewerkers in dienst en werkt daarnaast met ruim 625 vrijwilligers die de coachingprogramma’s verzorgen. Qredits wil in 2019, bij haar 10 jarig jubileum, de belangrijkste onderzoeksresultaten wereldkundig maken. Onderzoeker Alija Ibrahimovic gaat meteen deze maand aan de slag. “Ik kon uit meerdere thema’s kiezen voor mijn promotieonderzoek, maar deze lag toch het dichts bij mijn hart. Ik ben erg blij met deze kans.”
Qredits kiest voor de HU
Lector Lex van Teeffelen: “De HU en Qredits zetten zich beiden in om ondernemerschap in Nederland te stimuleren. Als je die drive deelt, dan spreek je al snel dezelfde taal. Ik ben er trots op dat Qredits voor de HU gekozen heeft. Wij waren zeker niet de enige partij waaruit Qredits kon kiezen.”
Het aftellen is begonnen!