Trainingen voor incubator professionals in 2016 @EUBIC

The EBN Team is launching a customised Training programme for next twelve months! * Are you new to the European Projects world? Join us in our intensive introductory training in […]

Het aftellen is begonnen!

Volgende week – op maandag 16 november – start de Global Entrepreneurship Week 2015! Heb jij je al ingeschreven voor één van onderstaande evenementen? Je kunt alle evenementen bekijken op en alvast […]

12/11 DIA selectie op Technologiefestival @Border_Sessions: Corporate Incubation & Corporate Social Entrepreneurship

In samenwerking met BorderSessions festival in Den Haag en o.m. Outside Inc hebben we een speciale selectie gemaakt voor incubator- en accelerator professionals. Op donderdagochtend 12 november vanaf 9:30 zijn […]

YES!Delft & UtrechtInc secure top 10 positions in UBI Index for top incubators.

Business incubators YES!Delft and UtrechtInc secured a position in the European top 10 of the UBI Index 2015. This international ranking list for university business incubators was released in Turin […]

Soft Landing Bridge at Taiwan Business Day 2015 in Utrecht

On Friday October 23, a successful fourth Taiwan Business Day in the Netherlands took place, this time in the City of Utrecht. In the presence of his excellency Mr. Tom Chou, Taipei […]


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